Kesejahteraan Pekerja di Hari Tua
Pekerja yang memasuki usia pensiun akan berpotensi pada kehilangan peluang untuk mendapat penghasilan sama seperti saat masih di usia produktif. Negara wajib menjamin bahwa setiap warga negara dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar hidup yang layak tidak hanya pada saat usia produktif, melainkan sampai warga negara memasuki usia pensiun. Jaminan sosial dan generasi sandwich memiliki keterkaitan yang erat karena jaminan sosial dapat memberikan perlindungan dan dukungan kepada generasi sandwich dalam merawat orang tua lanjut usia mereka sambil merawat anak-anak mereka sendiri. Ada dua program jaminan sosial yang menjamin pemenuhan dasar hidup yang layak di usia pensiun, yaitu program Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) dan program Jaminan Pensiun (JP). Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif yaitu melakukan wawancara mendalam, pengumpulan data primer dan pengumpulan data sekunder, yang kemudian hasil data primer dan sekunder diolah sehingga akan di peroleh data. kesejahteraan pekerja di hari tua adalah pekerja yang hidup layak di usia pensiun dan secara mandiri mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup tanpa menjadi sandwich generation yang membebani generasi-generasi di bawahnya. Untuk mencapai kesejahteraan pekerja di hari tua, Pemerintah sebagai regulator perlu memberikan sosialisasi terkait filosofi dan tujuan utama Jaminan Hari Tua, serta penetapan kebijakan usia pensiun pekerja swasta dengan usia yang menjadi syarat untuk menerima manfaat jaminan pensiun.
Kata kunci : Sandwich Generation, Jaminan Hari Tua, Jaminan Pensiun.
Workers who are entering retirement age will potentially lose the opportunity to earn the same income as when they were still in their productive age. The government is obliged to guarantee that every citizen can meet the basic needs of a decent life, not only during the productive age, but until the citizen reaches retirement age. Social security and the sandwich generation are closely linked because social security can provide protection and support to the sandwich generation in caring for their aging parents while caring for their own children. There are two social security programs that guarantee the fulfillment of a decent standard of living at retirement age, namely the Old Age Security Program (JHT) and the Pension Security Program (JP). The research method used by researchers is a type of qualitative research. In this study the authors used a qualitative and descriptive approach, namely conducting in-depth interviews, collecting primary data and collecting secondary data, which then produced primary and secondary data which were processed so that data would be obtained. The welfare of workers in old age is workers who live decently at retirement age and are independently able to make ends meet without becoming a sandwich generation that burdens the generations below them. In order to achieve the welfare of workers in old age, the Government as the regulator needs to provide socialization regarding the philosophy and main objectives of the Old Age Security, as well as establish a retirement age policy for private workers with the age required to receive pension benefits.
Keywords: Sandwich Generation, Old Age Security Program, Pension Security Program.