Assessment of Maturity Level: A Study of QHSE Culture


  • Irinne Zevira, Nurmannah Jakarta


Occupational safety and health (OSH) has been a concern in industrial companies to reduce workplace accidents. One of the regulations is that each company with at least 100 employees must apply to the OSH Management System (Sistem Manajemen K3). However, the obvious is that not all businesses can use OHS procedures properly. Advance control and checking are required to actualize a successful and effective OSH Administration Framework. Additional power and monitoring are needed. A corporation can comprehend its current performance using the maturity level, which thoroughly measures safety performance. The most significant theoretical advancement in health and safety research in recent years has been called safety culture. This study's purpose is to present a model that measures the maturity of the quality, health, safety, and Environment (QHSE) culture in a particular area of Jakarta's logistics sector and offers suggestions for raising QHSE awareness. This article's methodological approach is qualitative, and an exploratory study purposefully supports the sampling technique. The theoretical reference is based on understanding the premises concerning safety culture and its components after reviewing the findings and discussing what confirmed that the safety maturity level is proactive but might use some adjustment. Results indicated that the evaluation approach proposed can help determine the safety maturity's current status, but its use requires that a few fundamental conditions be met.


