Analysis of The Green Human Resource Management Implementation in Startup Companies


  • Ari Lathifah, Ahmad Musofa, Salamah Agung Pusat Karier Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta


Expanding concern for the global environment and the importance of going green created a need for business organizations to adopt the latest environmentally friendly strategies and programs. The goal of Green Human Resources Management (Green HRM) is to develop a workforce that understands and supports environmentally friendly behavior in businesses. Despite the fact that Green HRM has drawn a lot of attention from academics, there is still few research about Green HRM, especially in Startup Companies. From the beginning through the stage of their growth, Startups Companies are unavoidably faced with a number of challenges and barriers. As they age, their basic structure changes, forcing the specialization of operations, emphasizing the importance of Green HRM practices can help organizations align their business strategies with the environment. This study aims to identify the variables that affect the implementation of Green HRM in Startup Companies. A surveybased method was adopted andt he proposed concept is examined using SmartPLS 3.2.9 software andP LS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling) analysis. This study demonstrates howt he factors of individual knowledge, personality, organizational culture, education and training, as well as digital transformation, influence the Implementation of Green HRM in Startup Companies. The Green HRM concept is developed in Startup Companies as part of integrating the managemente nvironment with HRM to help maintain a sustainable environment.


